Thursday, April 24, 2008

It is the day before Friday!!!!

Welllllll, nothing really interesting to say here at the ol' blog, but I NOW have two comments, thanks Mom and Dad! "Touching two people a day" woooohoooo changing the world! or my house hahaha.

Well anywhooooo today at work, "Hendrick Rehab", it was one of those days where you thought there was no way that you could do everything that needed to get done, but you eventually did and you do not remember how you did it all. (maybe that is just me)

Let me tell what my Job entails. EVERYTHING.

k now that we got that covered let me tell you about my day: well I stagger in at 7:06 am whew one more minute and I would have been late, anyway I was drinking, what else of course, a diet Dr. pepper and well lets see what did I do, get things ready for patients, turn on computers and log in, etc etc..... Then let the fun begin, one ultra-sound forty thousand pillow case changes and a million cleanings of mats it is 8 am.

Thinking I might die today "M", my boss's boss, comes and ask me if I could help her. She is the boss that makes your hands sweat uncontrollably and I swear she walks at the speed of light, I saw her pass the enterprise once, k not really but I have to jog to keep up with her. Well she walks, I sprint, we make our way to the dreaded file cabinet, you know the one where things get put in it like instruction manuals, specification, small children, and they are never seen again. Yea well she wanted me to "re-organize" the black hole. (banging head on desk)

So, I am thinking that I must have insulted her small children to be given this task that just might take me years to finish. So I get going sorting through some things and well let see about a hour into it, I get called over by my boss, her small child has gotten sick at day care and she has to leave for the day, great, not only that but another tech had to go across the street for a meeting. So lets see that means it is: me, myself, and I taking care of 5 therapists and basically be a therapist for a really sweet patient. (Banging head harder on desk).

So one mental breakdown later and a tech showing up, after he got done with class, things in the rehab were better. I helped clean-up and then I was back to the abyss. I got the abyss organized and I felt way better about life. I especially liked going through manuals of some therapy devices that look like things from the middle ages, I mean I even found a jar of leeches and a blood letting kits.

So anyway NOW it is elven and with one hour to go, I look up from my newly organized file cabinet (that is am proud of) and no one I mean NOT A PERSON is in the gym. For a second I thought it was the rapture and then someone walked in. With what else, towels and pillowcases to be folded and put away, but before that, I have to go and check serial numbers on every table, ultrasound, iontophoresis machine in the WHOLE BUILDING, for "M". I mean really???? seriously did I do something? Oh well.

Before you know it, it is noon and I am off like a herd of turtles getting out of there, thank goodness today is over, only one more day to go this week, who knows what I will have to do tomorrow, oh and if you need some leeches..........


Donna Ware said...

I think may need some of them there leeches. I think they eat body fat. If you have enough of them, I will be skinny by Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Meg, you are ha-larious!!! I will definitely be reading your blog! You add that extra spark to my day through your "randomness". ~Mandy

Anonymous said...

I love the "Let me tell what my Job entails. EVERYTHING." line.

I need to get that put on a T-shirt. :-p


Megster said...

Sounds good about the t-shirt and well I always knew that my randomness would be put to good use :-D