Let me just say one thing before the ranting and raving start, I had an epiphany today. Tuesdays, not much better than Mondays, thought you should know. Okay let the ranting and raving begin!
OOOOKAY, so some of you know that I work for my Dad's website, kinda as a PR person who answers emails. Most days it is rewarding but others, like today, I want to take my computer and beat some of the bigoted people who email me over the head until they change their ways.
Today I got an email saying that we should not have a Spanish version of Heartlight because we are in the US and that we speak English and that we are only making the (immigration) problem worse.
Taking some deep cleansing breaths, in with the good, out with the bad................... okay I am a little better.
This is where I usually say things like, "um wow, not the brightest crayon in the box now are we, it is called the WORLD wide web for a reason!"
Then I start to thinking, pretty sure Jesus did not speak English even though he does on those really fantastic videos of him , (you know the ones where Jesus has blond hair and blue eyes and floats over the ground because you know he is Jesus and why should he trouble himself with, you know earth dirt) So thank you English dude who translated the Bible into English for us.
Also, I think it is very sad that a professed Christian is unwilling to spread the word to all nations, tribes, and ethnicity to make disciples of all men (and women), hmmmmm that sure sounds familiar. This is the kind of bigoted comment that gives Christianity a bad name, I mean how would you feel if you were in a different country trying to, you know survive and fit into a church or church community and they would refuse to help you by giving you resources to understand what they are trying to say, and help you learn their language. I hope I am not the only one who feels this way.
Okay I feel better now thanks for listening and you know I will get in a better mood in a day or so. Talk to you soon!