Monday, October 6, 2008

Top Ten things that PT school teaches you

Okay so besides the obvious................... Oh and if there are weak stomachs sorry, do not read.

10. That "another manic monday" actually has meaning (what did I do this weekend, not nearly enough)

9. You will always be behind in what you are suppose to be doing

8. That random comments make 8 hrs worth of grad school at day go by faster

7. That subcutaneous fat looks like greasy scrabbled eggs

6. I will not eat scrambled eggs until I am done with gross anatomy

5. There are teachers that sound like Charlie Brown's teacher, especially after lunch

4. Caffiene is a gift, but you will soon become less affected by it, which means you need more for the same effect.

3. Lack of sleep and allergies will result in sinus infection

2. You feel guilty when not studying

1. Stress happens!!!!, try to stay away from the chocolate when it does!

Best quote of the day: Tech Guy holding a (fake) Rib, to my Kinesiology Professor:

"here make a women"



Donna Ware said...

Here, make a woman? I am laughing out loud right now.

Okay, can I just say that fat looking like scrambled eggs is just ewww!

Tammy M. said...

You have great test scores and levity in a classroom what more could you ask for? Maybe some sleep. I am so proud of you!

Megster said...

um well the test scores not so much but hopefully that will change for the next round, haha